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Prayer for St Matthew’s

In addition to the monthly Saturday morning prayer meeting (8-9am 1st Saturday of the month) we want to encourage all members of St Matthew’s to pray together for the church at the same time: 8:30 – 9 am Monday and Friday. This may be your commute time.

Let’s pray for our koinonia-fellowship:

  • That we may be bold and confident in our prayer and worship
  • That we may focus more intentionally on Jesus as our Lord in all we do as St Matthews.




Anglican Community of St Mark (ACM)

St Matthew’s is one of the member parishes of ACM.

ACM was established in 2019 as a national network of Anglican Christians that seek to teach and practice traditional orthodox bible-based Christianity. ACM seeks to call all to repent and believe the good news of Jesus Christ. Its aim is to breathe a spirit of grace-filled optimism into the Church and equip one another for today’s gospel challenges.

ACM’s vision is to see the revitalization of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia through effective evangelism, discipleship, training and church planting. It wants to call the Church back to its historic roots of Worship, Sacrament and Word and to proclaim the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world.



St Matthew’s is a member parish of Affirm.

What is AFFIRM?

AFFIRM stands for: Anglicans for faith, intercession, renewal and mission and it really represents the Evangelical/ Charismatic streams of the Anglican church in this land. It is made up of 7 voluntary societies of our church that represent real hope and vitality for us. They include:

These groups represent leadership in mission, biblical fidelity, evangelism, Spiritual power, short term mission and theological training. 

AFFIRM Covenant

AFFIRM seeks to recall the church to biblical faith, the life of prayer, spiritual renewal and effective mission.

We uphold the creedal beliefs of the Anglican Church, and affirm especially:

(a) The love of God as the source and motive of our life and mission;
(b) The Lordship of Jesus Christ over the church and the world;
(c) The authority of the Bible as God’s living word to individuals and communities;
(d) The Holy Spirit’s gifting of all Christian women and men for their varied ministries;
(e) The centrality of evangelism within the whole mission of the church;
(f) The need for continuing renewal of local congregations as living communities of faith and love;
(g) The priority of prayer and worship as under girding all Christian life and action.

Of particular encouragement is the new Bishopdale Theological college which the Nelson diocese has set up, which will bring fresh health to our national church.

Forms To Download

Equipment Request Form
Please return this form for confirmation from Wardens or Parish Administrator BEFORE borrowing equipment.

St Matthew’s Church/Hope Centre booking form
To prevent disappointment, please make sure you have booked and have written confirmation from the office at least a full week in advance.

Wedding Request Form
Please return this form for confirmation from Wardens or Parish Administrator.

Item Reimbursement Form
Members only.

All completed forms can be returned by email or post to St Matthew’s Church, 30 Hope Street, Dunedin


Christian View of Covid Vaccine

The Alpha Course

University of Otago – Chaplaincy Course

The Diocese of Dunedin

Laidlaw College (formerly Bible College Of New Zealand)

Redeemer Presbyterian Church – New York

Faith @ Home

Telling The Truth
Taken from their website

The Briscoes are the founders of the international bible-teaching ministry – Telling the Truth – which shares God’s Word through the radio and the internet. Gifted with wisdom, discernment and a bit of English humor, the Briscoes bring the Bible to life. You’ll be moved by the emotional appeal of Jill Briscoe, the compelling logic of Stuart Briscoe and the compassionate, yet challenging insights of Pete Briscoe. Although they have three distinct teaching styles, all boldly proclaim God’s sovereignty, grace and love.  We were blessed to host Stuart and Jill during our services recently.  Please see our Sermons page to listen to their messages.